Student Etiquette in Class
Students should arrive at class on time. Students who come to class late should bow in to the dojang and warm up quietly on the side until they are recognized by the instructor in charge. They should then ask permission to join class. If students know ahead of time that they will be coming to class late, they should inform the instructor prior to class. Students who are late joining class are to join at the rear of the class until a break or informed by the Instructor to go to their place of seniority
Upon entering the dojang, all students should come to attention, salute the flags, and then bow. Students should then bow and appropriately greet any instructors and/or seniors who are in the dojang. Students should always salute the flags and bow anytime that they enter or leave the dojang.
Bowing is a strong tradition in the martial arts. It is a sign of respect and humility. Students should bow before and after practice with a partner, and when approaching a dan member to speak.
Jewellery should not be worn during training. This is to insure your safety as well as your training partners. The only exceptions are wedding rings or small religious medallions and bars used in pierced ears, however, for sparring tape must be placed over these to prevent injury
There should be no unnecessary talking or noise during class. During class, students should speak only when recognized by the instructor in charge, and should pay attention to all directions given by any instructors.
Smoking, drinking, eating or chewing gum in the dojang is not permitted. The dojang should be kept clean and treated with respect (drinks may be taken, discreetly, in one area of the dojang, but not on the main floor, and only at the discretion of the Instructor.
Fingernails and toenails should be kept clean and cut short to prevent injury to yourself and others.
Uniforms should be kept clean and neat and treated with respect. Never leave your uniform or belt lying around. After class, uniforms should be folded neatly or hung on a hanger. You should never let your belt touch the ground. Belts are traditionally never washed. Students should wear their full training uniform at all times during class unless otherwise instructed. Do not wear your belt outside of the dojang or practice area.
Students should always address all dan members and instructors by their proper titles (sah bohm nim/kyo sah nim/cho kyo nim, etc.). Always respond "Yes, Sir / No, Ma'am " when answering to dan members. Always obey all directions from instructors, and never question their authority.
If students have questions during class, they should raise their hands and wait to be acknowledged. Then they should walk over to the instructor, bow, and ask their question. Students should stand at attention when talking to the instructor. Students should never interrupt an instructor, or call an instructor over to him/her. Always ask senior belts questions first. If they cannot answer your question then go to an instructor.
Never teach or demonstrate Tang Soo Do outside of the dojang, without the permission of the instructor. Always ask permission before doing any outside demonstration.
Students should keep the dojang neat and orderly. White belts especially are responsible for the cleanliness of the workout area. Senior belts should supervise this practice.
Students should never correct or argue with a senior belt. Students should never argue over techniques or procedures. If there is a question ask the senior belts or instructor. Students should obey all instructions of senior belts.
Never tie your belt or straighten your uniform while facing anyone, especially higher belts, or while facing the flags. Also, it is considered disrespectful to stand with your hands on your hips or with your arms crossed while in class.
Students needing to leave class early or leave the training area for any reason must first receive permission from the instructor.
During practice students should maintain a level of decorum and orderliness. Unnecessary noise or talking will not be tolerated. Never stand around idly during practice but carry out some exercises and keep your muscles warmed up. Never disturb a class in progress except in an emergency
When seated on the floor, students should sit up properly, either on their knees, or with their legs crossed.
While in class all students are the responsibility of the instructor in charge. No one will give commands or make corrections unless asked to do so by the instructor.
Disagreements or problems with any instructors or students should be brought to the attention of the senior instructor in charge.
Martial arts students should be humble and courteous. They should not criticize other styles of martial arts or other instructors. Students should never be boastful or bullying. Fighting outside of the dojang will not be tolerated, except in the case of self-defense.
Upon entering the dojang, all students should come to attention, salute the flags, and then bow. Students should then bow and appropriately greet any instructors and/or seniors who are in the dojang. Students should always salute the flags and bow anytime that they enter or leave the dojang.
Bowing is a strong tradition in the martial arts. It is a sign of respect and humility. Students should bow before and after practice with a partner, and when approaching a dan member to speak.
Jewellery should not be worn during training. This is to insure your safety as well as your training partners. The only exceptions are wedding rings or small religious medallions and bars used in pierced ears, however, for sparring tape must be placed over these to prevent injury
There should be no unnecessary talking or noise during class. During class, students should speak only when recognized by the instructor in charge, and should pay attention to all directions given by any instructors.
Smoking, drinking, eating or chewing gum in the dojang is not permitted. The dojang should be kept clean and treated with respect (drinks may be taken, discreetly, in one area of the dojang, but not on the main floor, and only at the discretion of the Instructor.
Fingernails and toenails should be kept clean and cut short to prevent injury to yourself and others.
Uniforms should be kept clean and neat and treated with respect. Never leave your uniform or belt lying around. After class, uniforms should be folded neatly or hung on a hanger. You should never let your belt touch the ground. Belts are traditionally never washed. Students should wear their full training uniform at all times during class unless otherwise instructed. Do not wear your belt outside of the dojang or practice area.
Students should always address all dan members and instructors by their proper titles (sah bohm nim/kyo sah nim/cho kyo nim, etc.). Always respond "Yes, Sir / No, Ma'am " when answering to dan members. Always obey all directions from instructors, and never question their authority.
If students have questions during class, they should raise their hands and wait to be acknowledged. Then they should walk over to the instructor, bow, and ask their question. Students should stand at attention when talking to the instructor. Students should never interrupt an instructor, or call an instructor over to him/her. Always ask senior belts questions first. If they cannot answer your question then go to an instructor.
Never teach or demonstrate Tang Soo Do outside of the dojang, without the permission of the instructor. Always ask permission before doing any outside demonstration.
Students should keep the dojang neat and orderly. White belts especially are responsible for the cleanliness of the workout area. Senior belts should supervise this practice.
Students should never correct or argue with a senior belt. Students should never argue over techniques or procedures. If there is a question ask the senior belts or instructor. Students should obey all instructions of senior belts.
Never tie your belt or straighten your uniform while facing anyone, especially higher belts, or while facing the flags. Also, it is considered disrespectful to stand with your hands on your hips or with your arms crossed while in class.
Students needing to leave class early or leave the training area for any reason must first receive permission from the instructor.
During practice students should maintain a level of decorum and orderliness. Unnecessary noise or talking will not be tolerated. Never stand around idly during practice but carry out some exercises and keep your muscles warmed up. Never disturb a class in progress except in an emergency
When seated on the floor, students should sit up properly, either on their knees, or with their legs crossed.
While in class all students are the responsibility of the instructor in charge. No one will give commands or make corrections unless asked to do so by the instructor.
Disagreements or problems with any instructors or students should be brought to the attention of the senior instructor in charge.
Martial arts students should be humble and courteous. They should not criticize other styles of martial arts or other instructors. Students should never be boastful or bullying. Fighting outside of the dojang will not be tolerated, except in the case of self-defense.